Tag Archives: List

Customize Thank you page & Unsubscribe Success Page

Thank you page & Unsubscribe Email Success Page can be customize by user. To customize for your mailing list(s) follow the steps below.

  1.  Go to Subscribers
  2.  This will show you the existing lists available within your system.
  3.  Next click on the mailing list you want to customize within your website
  4.  This will bring up the list overview page
  5.  Click on the “SignUp Form” button, and choose which page do you would like to customize Confirmation “Thank you” page or Unsubscribe Success Page.
  6.  This will take you to a wizard where you can customize the page

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Auto Responders

Auto-responders play a very important role in Email Marketing. You can send emails or updates to your subscribers automatically without the need to login to the MailsDaily account. You can use autoresponders to send a welcome email or a happy birthday email. You could even send an email when someone clicks on a particular link, forwards your newsletter.

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