Category Archives: Webforms


A Survey can be integrated with your website, microsite or landing pages. To create new Survey forms for your mailing list(s) follow the steps below.

  1.  Go to Subscribers
  2.  This will show you the existing lists available within your system.
  3.  Create new list with the List Type is Survey.
  4.  This will bring up the list overview page
  5. Create questions & answers for survey by using custom fields functions
  6.  Click on the “Create Survey Form” button found on the upper right corner of the page.
  7.  This will take you to a wizard where you can create the Survey forms

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Webform can be integrated with your website, microsite or landing pages. To create new webform  for your mailing list(s) follow the steps below.

  1.  Go to Subscribers
  2.  This will show you the existing lists available within your system.
  3.  Create a new list.
  4.  This will bring up the list overview page
  5.  Click on the “Create Subscription/Unsubscription Form” button found on the upper right corner of the page.
  6.  This will take you to a wizard where you can create the Web forms

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Integrating new list with your website

In the last chapter we saw how to create a new mailing list, this chapter will explain you how to integrate this newly created mailing list within your website. Once you integrate your list within your website your website visitors can subscribe to it by filling up the subscription form and submitting their email address.

  1. Go to Subscribers
  2. This will show you the existing lists available within your system.
  3. Next click on the mailing list you want to integrate within your website
  4. This will bring up the list overview page
  5. Click on the “Create Subscription/Unsubscription Form” button found on the upper right corner of the page.
  6. This will take you to a wizard where you can create the subscription / unsubscription forms

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Auto Responders

Auto-responders play a very important role in Email Marketing. You can send emails or updates to your subscribers automatically without the need to login to the MailsDaily account. You can use autoresponders to send a welcome email or a happy birthday email. You could even send an email when someone clicks on a particular link, forwards your newsletter.

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Subscription / Un-Subscription Forms

Subscription / Un-Subscription forms can be integrated with your website, microsite or landing pages. To create new subscription / unsubscription forms for your mailing list(s) follow the steps below.

  1.  Go to Lists
  2.  This will show you the existing lists available within your system.
  3.  Next click on the mailing list you want to integrate within your website
  4.  This will bring up the list overview page
  5.  Click on the “Create Subscription/Unsubscription Form” button found on the upper right corner of the page.
  6.  This will take you to a wizard where you can create the subscription / unsubscription forms

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