Category Archives: Subscriber List

List Settings

In the previous topics, we went through the steps of creating new mailing list, the creation process is simple although the mailing lists have their own intricate settings which can be fine tuned to achieve greater capabilities and sophistication.

MailsDaily allows you to configure your mailing lists in a highly sophisticated manner with the subscription behaviors, un-subscription behaviors, web services integration and other related options.


List settings


List Name
You can update your list name to any other name which is suitable for the list

List Type
You can make the list single opt-in or double opt-in by selecting the correct option from the drop down menu.

Send Notifications
Use this option to send notifications for the subscriptions and unsubscriptions.

List Statistics

MailsDaily provides an easy way to manage the statistical data which can help you in making certain decisions on your marketing strategies. It also allows you to understand the different subscriber behaviors and patterns on subscriptions/unsubscriptions.

  • To view the list statistics go to “Lists
  • This will take you to the list browser – select the list you wish to view the statistics for.
  • After you select the list – you should see the “Overview” of the mailing list.

The below screen shot gives you the overview of your mailing list with the details such as Subscription / Un Subscription trends in a graphical chart format, open performance, click performance, Email Service Ratio, Bounce ratio etc. for the particular mailing list.


Open performance
This shows you the email open ratio for the particular mailing list.

Click performance
This gives you the details about the link click performance for the particular mailing list

This will show you the number of people forwarded the emails using the MailsDaily email forward system. This data is only populated if you use the personalization tag for forward to friend.

Browser Views
This will give you the details on the subscribers who clicked on the browser view link from their campaign email.

Email Service Ratio
This ratio is based on the number of different email service domains are found within the mailing list subscriber database.

Subscriber Ratio
The subscriber ratio is the data which is generated based on the hard bounced subscribers. MailsDaily helps you track the invalid email addresses and can remove these addresses from the mailing list.

Total Subscribers
You will also be able to track the total subscribers within the mailing list.

Spam complains
This will give you the details about the subscribes who submitted spam complains through the Feedback loop procedures followed by major email service providers such as hotmail, yahoo etc.

Export Subscribers

  • To export subscribers, go to “Lists
  • Select the Mailing List you wish to export subscribers from
  • The List Browser screen will have a drop down menu called “Subscriber Actions
  • Select “Export Subscribers” from this drop down


List Name
This shows the list name you want to export subscribers from.

Using this drop down you can define what kind of subscribers you want to export from your mailing list

Active Subscribers
This will export all active subscribers if selected

Suppressed Subscribers
This will export all suppressed subscribers if selected

Not opted-in for specified period of days
This will export the subscribers who have not opted-in by click on the confirmation link for a certain number of days.

Given email addresses
You can copy and paste email id’s per new line with this option

You can select the specific segments of subscribers

Bounce Types
You can select the soft or hard bounced subscribers to be exported from the list

File Format
Select in which file format you need to export the subscriber, there are three different file formats.

CSV – comma separated values
XML – extensible markup langauge
TAB – tab delimited text file

Please choose the fields you want to include within the exported data. You can select multiple fields by holding down the CTRL key and selecting the fields.

When you are done populating the above options hit the “Export Subscribers” button, the subscribers will be exported from the related mailing list.

Delete Subscribers

  • To delete subscribers, go to “Lists”
  • Select the Mailing List you wish to delete subscribers from
  • The List Browser screen will have a drop down menu called “Subscriber Actions
  • Select “Remove Subscribers” from this drop down


List Name
This shows the list name you want to remove subscribers from.

Using this drop down you can define what kind of subscribers you want to remove from your mailing list

Active Subscribers
This will remove all active subscribers if selected

Suppressed Subscribers
This will remove all suppressed subscribers if selected

Not opted-in for specified period of days
This will remove the subscribers who have not opted-in by click on the confirmation link for a certain number of days.

Given email addresses
You can copy paste email id’s per new line with this option

You can select the specific segments of subscribers

Bounce Types
You can select the soft or hard bounced subscribers to be removed from the list

Add / Remove subscribes to the suppression list
Tick this option and add email addresses to suppression list so that you can prevent them to be subscribed/imported to this list later.

When you are done populating the above options, hit the “Remove Subscribers” button the subscribers will be removed from the related mailing list.

Browse Subscribers

  • To browse subscribers, go to “Lists
  • Select the Mailing List you wish to browse subscribers for
  • The List Browser screen will have a dropdown menu called “Subscriber Actions
  • Select “Browse Subscribers” from this drop down


This is where you will see all the subscribers within your mailing list. You can also export and delete the subscribers from the same screen. You will also have the ability to display custom fields if the subscribers data has them and also can filter or sort the subscribers based on the fields and ascending and descending order.

Adding subscribers using external mysql database(s)

  • To add new subscribers using external mysql database, go to “Lists
  • Click on the mailing list you wish to add new subscribers to
  • The List Browser screen will have a dropdown menu called “Subscriber Actions
  • Select “Add Subscribers” from this drop down


This screen will help you choose the method you wish to use for adding new subscribers – for this chapter we will use the first method “External MySQL Database“.

  •     Click on the “External MySQL Database” method and this will take you to the wizard for the method.


Host Address
Enter the host address for your external mysql database

define the MySQL Port number in case if its not running on a standard port 3306

Enter the username for accessing the mysql database

Enter the password

Enter the name of the database

SQL Query
Enter the SQL query in order to select the records from the database
For Example: SELECT * FROM clients WHERE ‘Subscribe’=1

Click the “Next” button so that we can go to the step 2 for mapping fields.


Match the subscriber fields
Here you will need to map the fields within your system with the import data fields. If you have custom fields within your mailing list they will be displayed in the drop down.

You should always map the email address field with the email address within import data. There is an option to ignore certain fields as well if you do not wish to import them.

Import Settings
If you are going to import new subscribers to the list, always select “Don’t add to suppression list” option. If you are importing subscribers to suppression list global or list based then select the appropriate option

Update subscriber information of duplicates with import data
Enable this option so that when you import the data for the subscribers which are duplicate or subscribers who are already within the mailing list, then their information will be updated with the new imported information.

Do not send opt-in confirmation email, subscribe immediately
If this option is ticked, the system will not send the opt-in confirmation email and will just subscribe the subscriber immediately to the mailing list

Trigger auto responders, subscription behaviors, web services and update statistics
If you enable this option, the system will trigger auto responders, subscription behaviors and web services actions related to the mailing list you are importing your subscribers to.

Once the options are populated click on the “Next” button to proceed to the import results step. The result screen will give you the details about the import process completion.

Add Subscribers using file upload

  • To add new subscribers using file upload, go to “Lists”
  • Click on the mailing list you wish to add new subscribers to
  • The List Browser screen will have a dropdown menu called “Subscriber Actions”
  • Select “Add Subscribers” from this drop down


This screen will help you choose the method you wish to use for adding new subscribers – for this chapter we will use the first method “File upload“.

  • Click on the “File Upload” method and this will take you to the wizard for the method.


Select the file from your computer
Click on the Choose file button and select the CSV or text file from your computer

Fields terminated by
If you are going to import the subscribers having custom fields then you will need to define the field terminator – Mailsdaily supports three terminators comma, semicolon, and tab.

Fields enclosed by
You will need to select the character which will act as an enclosure for the field – for example field between single or double quotes.

If the data you are going to paste has the fields enclosed using single or double quotes, you will have to select the appropriate option.

Once you populate the fields – click on the “Next” button to go to the Step 2 of file upload method.


Match the subscriber fields
Here you will need to map the fields within your system with the import data fields. If you have custom fields within your mailing list they will be displayed in the drop down.

You should always map the email address field with the email address within import data.

There is an option to ignore certain fields as well if you do not wish to import them.

Import Settings
If you are going to import new subscribers to the list, always select “Don’t add to suppression list” option.

If you are importing subscribers to suppression list global or list based then select the appropriate option

Update subscriber information of duplicates with import data
Enable this option so that when you import the data for the subscribers which are duplicate or subscribers who are already within the mailing list then their information will be updated with the new imported information.

Trigger auto responders, subscription behaviors, web services and update statistics
If you enable this option, the system will trigger auto responders, subscription behaviors and web services actions related to the mailing list you are importing your subscribers to.

Once the options are populated click on the “Next” button to proceed to the import results step. The result screen will give you the details about the import process completion.

Adding Subscribers using Copy / Paste method

This method is the simple most and requires only few minutes to import your subscribers, although when you are planning to import large amount of subscribers this method is not good enough and will be time consuming.

In order to add subscribers using copy / paste method – please follow the steps below.

  • Go to Lists
  • Click on the drop down called Subscriber Actions
  • Click on the Add Subscribers
  • Click on the Copy / Paste link.




Enter email addresses
Enter each email address on a new line. If you want to import more data related to the subscriber then add these fields with a comma or the field terminator you are using.

Fields terminated by
If you are going to import the subscribers having custom fields then you will need to define the field terminator – MailsDaily supports three terminators comma, semicolon, and tab.

Fields enclosed by
You will need to select the character which will act as an enclosure for the field – for example field between single or double quotes.

If the data you are going to paste has the fields enclosed using single or double quotes, you will have to select the appropriate option.

  • Click on the “Next” button to go to the step 2
  • This will bring up the screen for mapping fields


Match the subscriber fields
Here you will need to map the fields within your system with the import data fields. If you have custom fields within your mailing list they will be displayed in the drop down.

You should always map the email address field with the email address within import data. There is an option to ignore certain fields as well if you do not wish to import them.

Import Settings
If you are going to import new subscribers to the list, always select “Don’t add to suppression list” option.
If you are importing subscribers to suppression list global or list based then select the appropriate option.

Update subscriber information of duplicates with import data
Enable this option so that when you import the data for the subscribers which are duplicate or subscribers who are already within the mailing list then their information will be updated with the new imported information.

Trigger auto responders, subscription behaviors, web services and update statistics
If you enable this option the system will trigger auto responders, subscription behaviors and web services actions related to the mailing list you are importing your subscribers to.

When you are done populating these options hit the “Next” button to complete the import. The result screen will give you the details about the import process completion.


Subscriber Interface

MailsDaily subscriber interface is for the subscribers who wants to manage their subscription options if they are allowed to.

The subscriber area is accessible only if the end user clicks on the subscriber login link from within the campaign. When they click this link they are provided a screen allowing them to manage the mailing list options as shown below.

Subscriber Interface

Subscriber Interface

The subscriber interface is divided into three parts

  1. Main navigation (Lists)
    The main navigation has only one tab called “Lists” and after you click on the login link you land into your subscriber area with the Lists Browser in front of you as shown in the above screen.
  2. Logout
    Link “Logout” can log you out of the system.
  3. List Browser
    This shows all the lists you are subscribed to – click on each one of them and you will be able to unsubscribe or save your preferences.