Category Archives: Campaign

Personalizing your Emails

Email personalization is a technique to make your emails more intuitive and also more interesting. It can help you increase your email open rate as well as success rate of your campaign.

There is a huge difference between an email sent without any personal information and those with personal information. If you address the recipient by his name instead of valued customer the recipient will feel better and the chances of him reading it is more as compared to you addressing him as valued customer.

Think about sending large amounts of personalized emails – if you have to do that manually it would take lot of time and will be not be easy, but with MailsDaily, its easy.

You will just need to create your email content with special personalization tags. That’s all and MailsDaily will do the rest, merge those tags for each recipient’s information and deliver the email.

In order to personalize your emails, you need to have that information in your subscriber lists. Therefore, you need to create custom fields in your subscriber lists and import your subscribers with that information for the beginning.

Once you have the required information about your subscribers, it’s time to create your campaign and personalize it.

While editing your email campaign content, MailsDaily provides you a list of personalization tags in a drop down list as shown in the below screen shot.


Subscriber Information Tags:

First Name

Last Name

Email Address

Global Suppression

Opt-In Date

Subscription Date

Subscription Status

Unsubscription Date

Campaign Links Tags:

Forward To Friend Link

View In Web Browser Link

Report Abuse Link

Twitter Share Link

Facebook Share Link

Social Links

Remote Content

List Links tags:

Unsubscription Link

Unsubscription All Link

Subscriber Area Link

Sign Up Link

Email Content Analysis

MailsDaily provides an easy to use built in email content analysis tool. This tool is available when you are done creating your campaign email and are on the last step of previewing and saving the campaign.

It analyses the inline css, css style tags and images within the email content. This analysis helps you optimize your newsletter content and make it even better.


Campaign Preview

When you are done creating a campaign, you can actually send a preview email to check how the campaign looks like – whether every element within the newsletter is rendering fine or whether all the fonts are looking as you expect them to be.

MailsDaily provides you two different ways to preview your email on the last step of the campaign email creation process

  • By sending an email to one of your designated email id
  • By previewing it on browser



Campaign Statistics

Campaign statistics are very important aspect of any email marketing system, for a successful result oriented email marketing campaign, the marketeer need to understand the statistical data of their email campaign.

MailsDaily provides an easy and a detailed statistical data related to your email campaign in real time as well after the campaign is sent. It allows you to track email open statistics, clicks statistics, forwards statistics, browser views, unsubscriptions, bounced back emails, spam complains about the particular campaign etc.

  • To get the campaign statistics go to “Campaigns”
  • Select the campaign which is already sent
  • When you select the campaign you land on the reporting and statistical data screen as shown in the screenshot below.


MailsDaily provides a detailed statistical data on the email open ratios. Whenever a subscriber is opening an email on their email client or webmail system, MailsDaily will record the data. This can help the marketeer to know whether their emails are being opened by the subscribers or not.

In order to get the detailed drilled down open statistics – click on the “Opens” link on the left hand side navigation panel. This will take you to the screen as shown in the below screenshot.


This report gives you the details on how many subscribers opened your campaign over a timeframe. It also gives you the details on which subscribers opened your email and how many times at the bottom of the screen.

This helps you understand the data on link clicks by your subscribers. If there are any URL’s or links created within the campaign email and if the subscriber receiving your email clicks on any of the links within the campaign – MailsDaily will detect the link clicks and record the data on who clicked a particular link and how many times on which dates.

In order to see the link click statistical data click on the “Clicks” link on the left navigation bar.


To see which subscribers forward your campaign to their friends or colleagues click on the Forwards link on the left hand side navigation. This will show you the details of the subscriber who forwarded how many emails to their friends.


If the browser view personalization is enabled within your campaign email and if the subscriber clicks on the browser view link then MailsDaily will track the data on what all subscribers are clicking on the browser view link.

Click on the “Browser views” link from the left navigation and you should get the drilled down data on which subscribers viewed your campaign on the browser.


Creating new campaign from template gallery

There are two ways in which anyone can start creating a new campaign irrespective of the method they use. You can use “Campaigns” tab or if you are on the Dashboard you can click on the “Create New Campaign” link under the Quick Links.

  • Click on the “Campaigns” tab
  • Click on the “Create New campaign” under the campaign browser


If you look at the campaign browser screenshot above, you will realize that it gives you the ability to browse through the campaigns within your account. You will also be able to track all the campaigns which are sent, are in outbox, are being created and in draft mode, are scheduled, are paused and are pending approval.

You can manage tags which can allow you to categorize your campaigns.


Campaign Name
Enter the name of your campaign

Select the mailing list or a segment for your campaign.You can select single or multiple lists of segments.

Apply A/B Split Testing
By applying A/B split testing you can test different versions of your campaign settings or content. You can set the test size, duration and how to determine the winner. This helps you optimize your campaign in a better manner.

Publish this campaign to RSS Feed
When you check this box, your subscribers will be able to see this campaign in their list’s rss feeds.

Google Analytics Integration
MailsDaily integrates seamlessly with the Google Analytics web service to help you track recipient activities on your website coming from your campaign.

We will learn about this feature in details in a separate topic – click here for detailed information.

  • When you are done populating these fields hit the “Create Campaign and Edit Campaign Email”
  • This will bring up the create new campaign selection screen.


Define the subject line for your campaign email.

Enter the name which will be used for the from field of your campaign email

Email address
Enter the email address which will be used for the from email field of your campaign email.

Reply to Information
You can use the same reply to information defined the name and email address fields above or use the new one by un-checking the option and entering the different reply-to information

  • Click on the “Next” button to go to the Content part of the campaign email creation.


  • Click on the third option “Template gallery”


  • Select the template from gallery as shown in the below screenshot and hit the “Next” button.


Content Type
Select the content type – whether you are going to send an HTML email or Text. You can also send a multi-part email which will carry HTML as well TEXT based content and render it at the end-users end according to their email reader.

HTML Content
Now Click on the “Open Email Content Builder” and customize your newsletter content


The above email content builder will help you add your own content within the available editable regions. MailsDaily has an advanced template engine which allows you to easily edit your content within the pre-defined campaign template.

In order to edit the content, you just have to place your mouse on the content box and click your left mouse key once – if the area is editable it will give you the “Edit” menu as shown in the above screenshot.

In the above screenshot we can see “Edit” as well “Duplicate” – this means the region we clicked on can be edited with custom content and you can also duplicate the block of text as well.

When you click the edit button it will give you the editor which can be seen in the below screen shot.



If you look at the screenshot above you will see its a full fledged html content editor – similar to this you can also have text only regions.

Once your content is populated you can simply hit the “Save” button and save the content and get out of the content editing screen. Now click on the “Next” button found on the campaign email creation wizard to go to the final “Review” of your campaign email.


The last step of campaign email creation is the preview of your campaign’s content. You can verify how does it look by sending an email to a designated email address or on your browser.

The review screen will also give you the details of the content analysis and spam testing.

Use the drop down menu “send” to schedule the campaign, there are four scheduling options available for every campaign

If this option is selected the campaign will start sending immediately.

If you select this option then you will have to set the date and time for the campaign to start sending emails to your mailing lists.

If this option is selected then the campaign will be saved under the drafts folder and will never start.

Creating new campaign from file upload.

There are two ways in which anyone can start creating a new campaign irrespective of the method they use. You can use “Campaigns” tab or if you are on the Dashboard you can click on the “Create New Campaign” link under the Quick Links.

  • Click on the “Campaigns” tab
  • Click on the “Create New campaign” under the campaign browser


If you look at the campaign browser screenshot above, you will realize that it gives you the ability to browse through the campaigns within your account. You will also be able to track all the campaigns which are sent, are in outbox, are being created and in draft mode, are scheduled, are paused and are pending approval.

You can manage tags which can allow you to categorize your campaigns.


Campaign Name
Enter the name of your campaign

Select the mailing list or a segment for your campaign.You can select single or multiple lists of segments.

Apply A/B Split Testing
By applying A/B split testing you can test different versions of your campaign settings or content. You can set the test size, duration and how to determine the winner. This helps you optimize your campaign in a better manner.

Publish this campaign to RSS Feed
When you check this box, your subscribers will be able to see this campaign in their list’s rss feeds.

Google Analytics Integration
MailDaily integrates seamlessly with the Google Analytics web service to help you track recipient activities on your website coming from your campaign.

We will learn about this feature in details in a separate topic – click here for detailed information.

  • When you are done populating these fields hit the “Create Campaign and Edit Campaign Email”
  • This will bring up the create new campaign selection screen.


Define the subject line for your campaign email.

Enter the name which will be used for the from field of your campaign email

Email address
Enter the email address which will be used for the from email field of your campaign email.

Reply to Information
You can use the same reply to information defined the name and email address fields above or use the new one by un-checking the option and entering the different reply-to information

  • Click on the “Next” button to go to the Content part of the campaign email creation.


  • Click on the third option “File Upload”



Choose a file HTML.

Zip File
Choose a file zip contain images file used in file HTML.

  • Click on the “Next” button to go to the last step of the campaign email creation.


The last step of campaign email creation is the preview of your campaign’s content. You can verify how does it look by sending an email to a designated email address or on your browser.

The review screen will also give you the details of the content analysis and spam testing.

Use the drop down menu “send” to schedule the campaign, there are four scheduling options available for every campaign

If this option is selected the campaign will start sending immediately.

If you select this option then you will have to set the date and time for the campaign to start sending emails to your mailing lists.

If this option is selected then the campaign will be saved under the drafts folder and will never start.


Creating new campaign from previously sent Campaign

There are two ways in which anyone can start creating a new campaign irrespective of the method they use. You can use “Campaigns” tab or if you are on the Dashboard you can click on the “Create New Campaign” link under the Quick Links.

  • Click on the “Campaigns” tab
  • Click on the “Create New campaign” under the campaign browser


If you look at the campaign browser screenshot above, you will realize that it gives you the ability to browse through the campaigns within your account. You will also be able to track all the campaigns which are sent, are in outbox, are being created and in draft mode, are scheduled, are paused and are pending approval.

You can manage tags which can allow you to categorize your campaigns.


Campaign Name
Enter the name of your campaign

Select the mailing list or a segment for your campaign.You can select single or multiple lists of segments.

Apply A/B Split Testing
By applying A/B split testing you can test different versions of your campaign settings or content. You can set the test size, duration and how to determine the winner. This helps you optimize your campaign in a better manner.

Publish this campaign to RSS Feed
When you check this box, your subscribers will be able to see this campaign in their list’s rss feeds.

Google Analytics Integration
MailsDaily integrates seamlessly with the Google Analytics web service to help you track recipient activities on your website coming from your campaign.

We will learn about this feature in details in a separate topic – click here for detailed information.

  • When you are done populating these fields hit the “Create Campaign and Edit Campaign Email”
  • This will bring up the create new campaign selection screen.


Define the subject line for your campaign email.

Enter the name which will be used for the from field of your campaign email

Email address
Enter the email address which will be used for the from email field of your campaign email.

Reply to Information
You can use the same reply to information defined the name and email address fields above or use the new one by un-checking the option and entering the different reply-to information

  • Click on the “Next” button to go to the Content part of the campaign email creation.


  • Click on the third option “Previous Campaign”



  • Select the campaign from the drop down as shown in the below screenshot and hit the “Next” button.


  • Click on the “Next” button to go to the last step of the campaign email creation.


The last step of campaign email creation is the preview of your campaign’s content. You can verify how does it look by sending an email to a designated email address or on your browser.

The review screen will also give you the details of the content analysis and spam testing.

Use the drop down menu “send” to schedule the campaign, there are four scheduling options available for every campaign

If this option is selected the campaign will start sending immediately.

If you select this option then you will have to set the date and time for the campaign to start sending emails to your mailing lists.

If this option is selected then the campaign will be saved under the drafts folder and will never start.


Creating a new Campaign Using HTML Code

There are two ways in which anyone can start creating a new campaign irrespective of the method they use. You can use “Campaigns” tab or if you are on the Dashboard you can click on the “Create New Campaign” link under the Quick Links.

  • Click on the “Campaigns” tab
  • Click on the “Create New campaign” under the campaign browser


If you look at the campaign browser screenshot above, you will realize that it gives you the ability to browse through the campaigns within your account. You will also be able to track all the campaigns which are sent, are in outbox, are being created and in draft mode, are scheduled, are paused and are pending approval.

You can manage tags which can allow you to categorize your campaigns.


Campaign Name
Enter the name of your campaign

Select the mailing list or a segment for your campaign.You can select single or multiple lists of segments.

Apply A/B Split Testing
By applying A/B split testing you can test different versions of your campaign settings or content. You can set the test size, duration and how to determine the winner. This helps you optimize your campaign in a better manner.

Publish this campaign to RSS Feed
When you check this box, your subscribers will be able to see this campaign in their list’s rss feeds.

Google Analytics Integration
MailsDaily integrates seamlessly with the Google Analytics web service to help you track recipient activities on your website coming from your campaign.

We will learn about this feature in details in a separate topic – click here for detailed information.

  • When you are done populating these fields hit the “Create Campaign and Edit Campaign Email”
  • This will bring up the create new campaign selection screen.


Define the subject line for your campaign email.

Enter the name which will be used for the from field of your campaign email

Email address
Enter the email address which will be used for the from email field of your campaign email.

Reply to Information
You can use the same reply to information defined the name and email address fields above or use the new one by un-checking the option and entering the different reply-to information

  • Click on the “Next” button to go to the Content part of the campaign email creation.


  • Click on the first option “From Scratch”


Content Type
Select the content type – whether you are going to send an HTML email or Text. You can also send a multi-part email which will carry HTML as well TEXT based content and render it at the end-users end according to their email reader.

HTML Content
Add the custom html content you created for your newsletter or you can directly create the custom content using the editor available.

Please note that you must add “unsubscription” link within your content to comply with the policy.

You can do that by clicking on “##” icon within the content editor and then selecting the un-subscription link.

Click on the “Next” button to go to the last step of the campaign email creation.


The last step of campaign email creation is the preview of your campaign’s content. You can verify how does it look by sending an email to a designated email address or on your browser.

The review screen will also give you the details of the content analysis and spam testing.

Use the drop down menu “send” to schedule the campaign, there are four scheduling options available for every campaign

If this option is selected the campaign will start sending immediately.

If you select this option then you will have to set the date and time for the campaign to start sending emails to your mailing lists.

If this option is selected then the campaign will be saved under the drafts folder and will never start.

Integrating new list with your website

In the last chapter we saw how to create a new mailing list, this chapter will explain you how to integrate this newly created mailing list within your website. Once you integrate your list within your website your website visitors can subscribe to it by filling up the subscription form and submitting their email address.

  1. Go to Subscribers
  2. This will show you the existing lists available within your system.
  3. Next click on the mailing list you want to integrate within your website
  4. This will bring up the list overview page
  5. Click on the “Create Subscription/Unsubscription Form” button found on the upper right corner of the page.
  6. This will take you to a wizard where you can create the subscription / unsubscription forms

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